Ask any sleep deprived parent and starting a bedtime routine is likely to be a pretty key priority. Whilst nothing compares to newborn cuddles, a bedtime routine for baby can free up arms for cooking, allow exhausted parents to shower and, possibly, even allow parents or carers a chance to talk to one another for 5 minutes. Knowing when and how to start a baby bedtime routine can be tricky so here are our top tips.
When should I start a baby bedtime routine?
Knowing when is the right time to introduce a bedtime routine will depend on so many factors; your baby, how you choose to parent, how the birth went, how feeding is going as well as your own personal choice. Broadly speaking, it is recommended that baby should be at least three months old before trying to introduce a bedtime routine. Before three months old your baby is still adjusting to the world outside of the womb and has no sense of day or night.
What should a baby bedtime routine include?
By establishing a bedtime routine you are trying to create a sense of calm and relaxation so baby can drift easily off to sleep. Keeping this in mind, a bedtime routine should focus on calm – no bright lights, loud noises or exciting games. Some great, calm bedtime routine ideas include:
- a calming bath for baby
- reading a bedtime story
- singing a lullaby or nursery rhyme
- saying goodnight to everyone
We recommend dimming lights where possible and enjoying a cuddle during story or lullaby time.

Is there any tech that can help with bedtime?
Your baby’s bedtime routine will be unique to you and your family and there is absolutely no need to use anything or include any specific activity into it. That being said, baby’s sometimes need a little help reaching and staying in a relaxed sleepy state and there several great sleep solutions that can really help:

- Nattou Sleepy Bear Cuddly Nightlight not only plays soothing sleep sounds but also acts as a nightlight, with its 7-tone integrated lights. Choose between the sounds of the sea, white noise, a heartbeat or a lullaby to help your little one drift soundly off to sleep.
- Cellular blanket the open weave and cell structure of a quality cellular blanket helps keep baby warm in the winter and cool in the summer, perfect for promoting a great night’s sleep
- Tum Tum Tippy Up Cups are perfect if you’re introducing a baby bedtime routine for an older baby over six months. With their weighted straw little ones can drink any way up and as it glows in the darkt hey’re have no trouble reaching for a middle of the night drink.
Common challenges in establishing a baby bedtime routine
- Resistance from baby – as keen as you may be to establish a bedtime routine, some babies my resist the change initially. Start by gradually introducing routine elements, staying consistent, and using calming techniques like gentle rocking or soft music to help baby settle.
- Adjusting to developmental changes – babies go through various developmental stages that can disrupt sleep patterns. Growth spurts, teething, or regression phases are all common culprits and may significantly challenge your bedtime routine. Try and maintain a flexible but consistent routine, use soothing techniques such as gentle massages, and offering extra comfort and reassurance during these disruptive periods.
- Involving other caregivers – consistency is really key when trying to establish a bedtime routine. As and when different caregivers are involved make sure they understand your routine and know how to respond to baby if they are unsettled.
- Illness or travel – when your baby is unwell or you’re traveling, sticking to a bedtime routine can feel challenging. It’s helpful to bring along familiar items like a favourite blanket or a portable white noise machine to create a sense of normalcy. Try to mimic the usual bedtime process as closely as possible, adjusting times to local time zones if necessary.

Things to remember
All babies are different and so the specific age when a baby is ready for a bedtime routine will be completely unique to them. Even if you’re baby isn’t quite ready for a specific bedtime routine and time yet, by introducing and being fairly consistent with whichever elements of a bedtime routine suit your family your baby is likely to associate them with a state of relaxation and calm. Sleep will come and although it may not feel like it at the time, they will only be little for such a short period of time, embrace the middle of the night cuddles!