At Hippychick, everything we do is modelled on being a family business. This includes the whole team here in Bridgwater, and we want to give you a chance to get to know our family better.
From strange phobias to which three products they’d take with them on a desert island (and how well we think they’d get on). Click on each profile and find out what makes everyone so unique!
Job title: Founder and Joint MD
After starting Hippychick in 1999, Julia has been at the helm for well over 20 years. She has been to countless baby fairs all over the country, and overseen many different products, some more successful than others! Julia tells us it hasn’t got any easier – but is still enjoying the challenge of running a business every day, and doesn’t plan to stop anytime soon.
Julia in 30 seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Coffee first thing, green tea for the rest of the day
Recent TV series binge? Money Heist! (Thrilling Spanish show with subtitles)
First thing you do when you get home? Walk the dogs, check the sheep and sort out any fights over who has/hasn’t done the washing up…
First childhood toy? A Hobby Horse – he was blue with a white mane and white eyes – my sister had one too, both made by my mother
Favourite Hippychick memory? So many memories… going to the Dublin Baby Show on a freight ferry during a huge storm in the Irish Sea certainly sticks out! Happier times include finding a message attached to a balloon in the field from a little boy, asking us to email with how far it travelled. It had come all the way from Wales! After getting in contact we arranged for a Trybike to be sent to him and it was an amazing moment to able to help spread some positivity during the first lockdown of 2020!
What 3 Hippychick products would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 8/10 – An unusual selection but points for creativity. Questionable use of the Tron given the LiteCup would be better suited for getting water. Although, Julia has been able to keep Hippychick afloat throughout the years so we think she’s up to the task!
Job title: Jack of all trades masquerading as Joint MD
20 years after leaving the police to join his wife in the baby business, Jeremy is still adjusting. When pressed he couldn’t give a straight answer as to which has been more challenging. The ultimate salesman whose energy and enthusiasm has helped bring the business to where it is today.
Jeremy in 30 seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Coffee AM – Black no sugar. Tea PM
Favourite Takeaway? Pynes Cornish Pasty
Favourite aspects of your job at Hippychick? Seeing products go out of the door! Reading good feedback, and working with a great team
Recent TV series binge? Vigil, The Night Agent, The Diplomat
3 songs to motivate you on a Monday morning?
Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd, Get Lucky – Daft Punk, I gotta feeling – Black Eyed Peas.
Interesting fact about yourself? Very accident prone….probably have more scars and oddly (mis)shaped bones than everyone else put together
Favourite Hippychick memory?
Too many to count, but love remembering how we started and then looking at where we are now. The journey from the first sale to anyone, first lorryload, first container to then winning various business awards has been a hugely exciting one.
What 3 Hippychick products would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival chances 6/10 –
A unique selection that combines intellectual stimulation and physical training with survival. It’s a nice idea but both chess and ball games do need someone else on the island… add Jeremy’s self-confessed accident prone nature and we’re not hugely confident.
Job title: Head of Sales
Arriving in October 2014, Head of Sales Alan brought with him an infectious enthusiasm that remains in the office to this day. Given this, it is unsurprising that Alan told us his favourite part of the job is being out on the road and meeting with our fantastic retailers. Be careful talking to Alan for too long though, as you might leave with more than you planned on buying…
Alan in 30 seconds:
Recent TV series binge? Cold Feet
First thing you do when you get home? Hug my kids
First childhood toy? A Monkey Teddy and it got lost – I was devastated!
Interesting fact about yourself? I’m a bit of a theme park junkie!
Favourite Hippychick memory? There’s so many but for pure laughter it has to be when I went to Cologne in 2019 with Jeremy, it definitely was an experience meeting Binyan our enigmatic AirBnB host who provided no beds, no lights, and no hot water ..!
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 6/10 – If Alan can play the guitar as well as he talks then he’ll have no problems charming animal residents on the island. That said, we can’t really see how it will help him escape or survive.
Job title: Customer Services Manager
One of the longest serving members of the team, having started in the Customer Services division during January 2007. Sarah handles the intricacies of large accounts with great skill, and told us that she can safely say no two days have ever been the same!
Sarah in 30 seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Neither, Hot water
Recent TV series binge? Unforgotten and How to Get Away with murder…
First childhood toy? Huge mustard coloured teddy bear that used to sit at the end of my bed
Interesting fact about yourself? I can’t make quiche! I have tried a million times and it always goes wrong one way or another
Favourite Hippychick memory? There are so many but probably the early days of being at shows and watching Jeremy ride around on the Wheelybugs
What 3 Hippychick products would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 7/10 – A good mix which is what we’d expect from someone with so much experience. However, these choices make more for festival glamping than hardcore island living.
Job title: Finance Manager
New Finance Manager Gilly joined us in September 2021 and instantly made an impression by being the first Hippychick staff member to come to work on an electric scooter. Impressively, this need for speed has also been transferred into Gilly’s financial skillset, giving the accounts a well-timed boost before Christmas!
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? Being surrounded by nice people and cuddly toys!
Tea or Coffee? Has to be coffee
Favourite Takeaway? Chinese
Recent Netflix/TV series binge? Grantchester – I am late to the party on this…
First thing you do when you get home? Get welcome home cuddles from my dog Minah
3 songs to motivate you on a Monday morning? Anything by Linkin’ Park, Eminem or Imagine Dragons
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Interesting fact about yourself/any strange phobias? I really really don’t like custard and have to leave a room if I smell it
Survival chances 8.5/10 – Food and shelter are crucial to anyone’s survival and Gilly has covered both here inventively. Despite the coconuts, there shouldn’t be any custard on the island so we think Gilly’s in for the long haul. Back at HQ, Gilly is also rumoured to be floating the possibility of a Hippychick range of e-scooters…
Job title: Warehouse Manager
Warehouse stalwart Steve has been at Hippychick since May 2008, and says he couldn’t have done it without the friendships he’s made along the way! Steve has seen it all and operates the forklift with a speed and accuracy rarely seen outside of the professional circuit.
Steve in 30 seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Coffee. Lots of it.
Recent TV series binge? The Tudors (again)
First childhood toy? Too old to remember
Interesting fact about yourself? I don’t like spending money
Favourite Hippychick memory? The summer barbecues
What 3 Hippychick products would you take on a desert island and why? I’d take a boat!
Survival chances 10/10 – As he has been doing for years, Steve finds the most efficient way to solve a problem. A wily fox who doesn’t play by the rules.
Job Title: Marketing Manager
Joining the team just in time for Christmas 2023, Annaliese has lots of tricks up her sleeve; using blogs, online campaigns, and photoshoots to give the Hippychick brand the attention it deserves!
Annaliese in 30 Seconds:
First childhood toy: Other than cuddly toys, it was most likely a Barbie
Recent TV series binge: Virgin River
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? Other than the fantastic team, I love that my role is so varied – it’s the perfect blend of creativity and strategy.
Interesting fact about yourself? I love to sing! I used to do lots of gigs and open mic nights and my friends and family often ask me to sing at their weddings. I’ve also got an Instagram account with a few renditions of some of my favourite songs.
Favourite Hippychick Memory? The Hippychick Christmas party was held at my all-time favourite restaurant – Skewer House. This was in my third week at Hippychick so it was a really great way to get to know the team.
First thing I do when I get home? Give my Springer Spaniel Eddie a big cuddle and take him for his evening walk.
What 3 Hippychick items I would take on a desert island and why:
Survival Chances 6.5/10
There’s some good basic survival instincts here with warmth and hydration rightly prioritised. It’s also nice to see some room for entertainment with Annaliese playing to her musical strengths. That said, food may be an issue and there’s no room for an escape with these choices. Not bad but it’s hard to be hugely confident.
Job title: Deputy Warehouse Manager
After a brief hiatus, the Hippychick team were delighted to give Scott a very warm welcome back! Ensuring orders are fulfilled, managing warehouse stock, and coordinating with an ever changing network of delivery drivers are just some of the day to day tasks Scott takes in his stride as Deputy Warehouse Manager. Scott’s return marks the continuation of a journey started over 12 years ago.
Scott in 30 seconds:
First childhood toy: Toy Car
Recent Netflix/TV series binge? The Sinner
First thing you do when you get home? Ask the kids how their day was
Favourite Hippychick Memory: Staff BBQ
Interesting fact about yourself?
I don’t like receiving presents
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival chances 8.5/10 –
A pragmatist. Scott has seen/handled more of the Hippychick stock options than almost anyone else – so his choices aren’t to be taken lightly. The above selection requires no explanation, with shelter and comfort rightly prioritised. Would Scott escape? Who knows. Either way, he’d certainly survive in style.
Job title? Dispatch Assistant
Someone who has seen it all. Rose started at Hippychick in October 2002 and is still going as strong as ever. The queen over the couriers, Rose makes sure everything goes out on time. She also has an Encyclopaedic knowledge of our products/the warehouse, and can gift wrap famously neatly. An icon.
Rose in 30 Seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Recent TV series binge? Anything DIY, Cooking or Gardening!
First thing you do when you get home? Greet dogs and my Granddaughter
First childhood toy? I liked dressing-up!
Interesting fact about yourself/any strange phobias? I have a bit of a fear of driving where I don’t know
Favourite Hippychick memory? There are many!! But the earliest is Tom and Olly running around the hallway when Hippychick was still in a house, whilst I was trying to pack boxed Hipseats for John Lewis
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 7.5/10 – If we’re honest, no matter what Rose had chosen we think she’d have had a pretty good chance given how she’s helped us through the ups and downs over the years. A real trooper and if anyone can navigate a Happy Hopper through rough seas whilst playing the Classic World guitar, it’s Rose.
Job title: Customer Service Executive
In late 2018 customers and accounts ringing Hippychick suddenly found themselves being met with the calming presence of Rowan. A people person through and through, Rowan deals with every customer query smoothly and efficiently. Responsible for the processing of orders across the board, Rowan is a vital cog in the Hippychick machine!
Rowan in 30 Seconds:
Favourite Takeaway? Swartz Brothers in Bath
Recent TV series binge? The Durrells
First thing you do when you get home? Cuddle and play with my dog
Interesting fact about yourself? I have a bit of a weird phobia of buckles
Favourite Hippychick memory? The really lovely Mexican food that we had at the Christmas party from Purple Spoon
3 songs to motivate you on a Monday morning? Everlong by Foo Fighters, Life is good by Future (Featuring Drake) & Panda by Desiigner
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 6.5/10 – We like the practicality with the Dinner Set, but it (sensibly) doesn’t come with the knife that would be so useful. The cuddly and the pillow are comfortable but as with the dinner set, this survival pack needs a bit more of an edge.
Job title: Credit Controller
Despite being our most recent addition to the team (Joining in April 2021), Joanne has settled in extremely quickly. She refused to comment when asked for the exact reason, but suspicions remain high on it being due to the friendly atmosphere in the office.
Joanne in 30 seconds:
Tea or Coffee? Neither, Hot Chocolate
Favourite Takeaway? Fish and Chips
Recent Netflix/TV series binge? Death in Paradise
First childhood toy? Blue rabbit teddy
Interesting fact about yourself/any strange phobias? I am ambidextrous! (Joanne hasn’t said whether this will make her work twice as fast or not)
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival chances 7.5/10 – A classic mixture which belies Joanne’s relative inexperience with Hippychick range. There’s blanket-given warmth, a chance of escape with the signal, and the cuddly toys for comfort when that inevitably fails. All in all a decent first effort.
Job title: Account Manager
Mike has been with us since March 2017 and developed a real rapport with independent shops during this time. Mike’s skills as a salesman are clear to see, but his Warehouse talents are more hidden – holding the unwanted record for slowest time taken to unpack a container.
Mike in 30 seconds:
Favourite Hippychick memory? Putting up our large Gazebo in high winds and heavy rain for an office sale whilst trying not to get blown away with it.
Recent TV series binge? Wandavision on Disney Plus
3 songs to motivate you on a Monday morning?
Mr Brightside – The Killers, Feelin’ Fine – Ultrabeat, Fix up Look Sharp – Dizzee Rascal
First childhood toy? Thomas the Tank Engine die cast figures (Which I have kept and all 3 of my children have played with too)
Interesting fact about yourself? I am currently running the length of Land’s End to John o’ Groats which I aim to complete before the end of the year (2021)
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 8.5/10 – As his Gazebo skills demonstrate, Mike is no stranger to finding/securing shelter. Combine this with a good use of the buggy clip and the versatile Litecup, and we think Mike will be just fine.
Job Title: Sales Administrator
Aquille is hard to typecast to one main role or interest. Her hobbies range from an early love of theatre to photography, travelling, and martial arts. This suits her role at Hippychick perfectly as it changes day by day. One moment Aquille can be found doing serious data reports, the next, building a toy garage.
Aquille in 30 Seconds:
First childhood toy: That I can remember- a blue-haired ragdoll from my Godmother.
Recent TV series binge: ‘Kaos’ on Netflix
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? One day I’m putting together a serious data report, the next – I am building a toy garage. It is never boring.
Interesting fact about yourself? I train in Muay Thai!
Favourite Hippychick Memory: The charity walk in the Quantock Hills for Love Musgrove
First thing I do when I get home? Drop my bag, change into different clothes and I’m out again for training
What 3 Hippychick items I would take on a desert island and why:
• Hippychick Feeding Pillow – I will not be able to survive without some comfort while sleeping.
• BS Toys Lacrosse Set – I’m sure I could catch some fish with it. If not – it’ll keep me entertained at least.
• Dooky Large Diaper Bag – to carry whatever goods I find, back into relative safety of where I camped up.
Survival Chances 9.5/10
Creative use of the Diaper Bag for storage and Lacrosse Set for fishing alongside pre existing Martial Arts ability seriously boost Aquille’s survival chances. She hasn’t got much to help her off the island but given her love for travelling and photography she might not want to!
Job Title: Admin Executive
Hippychick is Evie’s first full time job after graduating from Cardiff University. She studied criminology but assures us she hasn’t encountered anything too suspicious in her current role when processing orders! Outside of work Evie is an avid gym goer.
Evie in 30 Seconds:
First childhood toy: My teddy bear!
Recent TV series binge: Greys Anatomy (always!)
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? The family environment and feeling comfortable while working! It is a really nice place to join and work.
Interesting fact about yourself? My dad broke my arm on accident by bouncing me to high on the trampoline.
Favourite Hippychick Memory: Cake Fridays!
First thing I do when I get home? Straight to the gym!
What 3 Hippychick items I would take on a desert island and why:
• A Moby Wrap – to carry everything
• Tum Tum Flip Top Water Bottle – to have water on the go, after finding a water source!
• Trybike – to escape fast from danger or to explore
Survival Chances 7.5/10
Don’t underestimate the Moby Wrap and Water Bottle – the ability to store food and water whilst exploring is highly useful. It remains to be seen how fast the Trybike would be on overgrown island paths… Good but room for improvement.
Job Title: Social Media Content Creator
Joining at the end of 2023, Olivia is in charge of the Hippychick Social Media sphere. Whether it is creating posts or identifying trends and influencers, Olivia has her finger on the button!
Olivia in 30 Seconds:
First childhood toy: Earliest memory is a Playskool ladybird pram
Recent TV series binge: Orange is the New Black (late to the party)
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick?
I love the family environment. Everyone works as a team and helps out in all departments when needed. It’s a really lovely place to work
Interesting fact about yourself?
I was home schooled from Year 8 and started college full time when I was 15
Favourite Hippychick Memory:
My first warehouse sale. I love seeing the build up and how excited everyone gets on social media.
First thing I do when I get home?
Straight to the school run to collect the kiddies
What 3 Hippychick items I would take on a desert island and why:
Survival Chances 9.75/10
Extraordinary intuition from Olivia. The first employee to truly fuse the modern comforts of the Hippychick product range with primaeval hunting methodologies. To cap it off there’s even a possible escape route too – homeschooling has clearly paid off.
Job title: Warehouse Assistant
Andy is a recent addition to the Warehouse team and he has immediately made a positive impact, winning Hippychick Hero in his first month. Andy helps to efficiently move, package, and store the products that come in and out of the warehouse every day.
Andy in 30 seconds:
First childhood toy: A Pedal Car
Recent Netflix/TV series binge? Shed & Buried
First thing you do when you get home? Shower
Favourite aspect of your Hippychick job: Working with cheerful people
Interesting fact about yourself?
I restore classic Motorcycles
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival chances 8/10 –
Clearly mechanically gifted given his motorcycle expertise, Andy has a head start on most. He is also the first to creatively utilise the Vilac Catalogue which alongside being superb reading could be successfully employed in a number of situations. Andy can go as far as his imagination takes him.
Job title: PR Consultant
Since 2014, Heloise has been a driving force behind countless photo shoots and PR content, helping Hippychick to get seriously recognised both within the industry and commercially. Whilst she doesn’t work in the office full time, this doesn’t mean her influence is lessened in any way!
Heloise in 30 Seconds:
Recent TV series binge? I know I’m late to the party but I’m currently ploughing through This is Us. It’s a show that’s got everything that I love in a drama – dysfunctional families, food obsession, a great script and a liberal sprinkling of schmaltz.
First thing you do when you get home? I work from home so that’s a difficult question! But when I down tools, if it’s still light and the weather’s halfway decent, I try and go for an early evening walk with the dog. I love that time of day when the sun’s starting to go down.
First childhood toy? My sister and I shared a large toy dog called Corky with big eyes and floppy ears. We used to lock ourselves into a small cupboard under the stairs in the dark, convinced that if no one else could hear or see him, he would talk to us. Hours of fun but to no avail. My sister still has him though he is in a bit of a sorry state now…
Interesting fact about yourself? I unfortunately discovered I was allergic to wasps last summer when I was stung and had to be rushed to hospital for a shot of adrenaline!
Favourite Hippychick memory? I think probably when the Singing Children of Africa came to visit. I spent hours baking Nigella brownies for them only to discover that all they really wanted to eat was pizza. I don’t think one got eaten but it was an amazing experience.
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 5/10 – Heloise seems to want to use the Bed Protector as a pillow as well – using two items on minor comfort unfortunately isn’t a strategy as well thought out as some of her PR campaigns. We only hope there aren’t any wasps on the island…
Job title: Sales agent for Scotland
Keeping a close eye on all things North of the border, Sarah has been with us since March 2015. Sarah has worked with us on the supplier side since 2008, so is another experienced campaigner! Unfortunately, being so effective up North means that we rarely see Sarah down in Bridgwater – nonetheless she’s a vital part of the team.
Sarah in 30 seconds:
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? Getting samples of all the brilliant products
Favourite Takeaway? Thai
Recent TV series binge? Loved Killing Eve/anything to do with cooking
First thing you do when you get home? Fend off various questions for snacks/ what’s for dinner
First childhood toy? A hedgehog puppet called Hedgie who I still have to this day and my kids now play with
Interesting fact about yourself? I love anything vintage especially old cars and learned to drive in a Morris Minor….
Favourite Hippychick memory? Has to be all the various trade fairs with the rest of the team and especially the one where my now Hippychick nickname was born…’Fesh’ when I asked for anything fish like for my lunch. It’s never been forgotten!
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
Survival Chances 6.5/10 – Another Happy Hopperz raft enthusiast, but being worried about sandy feet on a desert island means we’re worried about Sarah. However, her clear motivation to escape snack-hungry children should tip the balance in her favour…