Random Acts Of Kindness Day

A snippet of how the Hippychick team spent Random Acts Of Kindness Day.

dog laying in grass

Kathryn (Product Developer) helped her neighbours by walking their dog Truffle!

photo of cake and bottles of wine

Rowan (Customer Service Executive) baked cake and brought wine to the office

sponsor a puppy certificate

Gilly (Finance Manager) sponsored Dexter the Guide Dog

clothes bank

Leah (Operations Manager) donated clothes to The Salvation Army

plate of cakes

Sarah (Scotland Representative) baked cakes for her neighbours who are isolating

photos of dogs

Alex (Marketing Manager) donated to a Sri Lankan stray dog charity

cakes on table

Sarah (Customer Service Manager) brought in treats for everyone

cream crackers packet

Heloise (PR Consultant) fed snacks to the stray dogs in Sri Lanka

woman making beans on toast

Hannah (Account Manager) made beans on toast for the boss!

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