Mike completes his run

He made it!

Mega congratulations to Mike Bird our Account Manager at Hippychick, who has succeeded in completing 874 miles for charity.

A self-confessed couch potato, Mike had never run before he decided to don his trainers last January and undertake this multi-marathon.  Famously, the most exercise he ever admitted to previously was the walk between the Hippychick car park and the offices –  about five metres at the most!

But Mike had very good reason to get motivated to run the equivalent distance from Land’s End to John O’Groats.  He has Neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition from which his two youngest children also suffer.  Putting the miles under his belt was the only way he could think of to raise funds for The Childhood Tumour Trust – a charity that has provided amazing support to him and his family through their challenging journey. 

Mike explains: ‘Neurofibromatosis can cause benign tumours to grow on the nerves and skin as well causing cafe au lait patches and problems with bones, eyes and the nervous system.  My 9 year-old daughter had to undergo 8-hour surgery three years ago as a tumour in her neck started to cause signs of early paralysis.  I have a tumour on my brain and several lesions have recently been discovered on my son’s brain. Despite affecting more than 25,000 individuals in the UK, it’s actually a very little known about condition’.

Mike completed the distance in several short runs over a period of 11 months and has already raised nearly £1,000. 

Mike’s Just Giving page is still open so please continue to donate if you can to this great cause at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mike-birdlandsendtojohnogroats

Congratulations Mike.  You’re a hero!

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