Job title: Sales agent for Scotland
Keeping a close eye on all things North of the border, Sarah has been with us since March 2015. Sarah has worked with us on the supplier side since 2008, so is another experienced campaigner! Unfortunately, being so effective up North means that we rarely see Sarah down in Bridgwater – nonetheless she’s a vital part of the team.
Sarah in 30 seconds:
Favourite aspect of your job at Hippychick? Getting samples of all the brilliant products
Favourite Takeaway? Thai
Recent TV series binge? Loved Killing Eve/anything to do with cooking
First thing you do when you get home? Fend off various questions for snacks/ what’s for dinner
First childhood toy? A hedgehog puppet called Hedgie who I still have to this day and my kids now play with
Interesting fact about yourself? I love anything vintage especially old cars and learned to drive in a Morris Minor….
Favourite Hippychick memory? Has to be all the various trade fairs with the rest of the team and especially the one where my now Hippychick nickname was born…’Fesh’ when I asked for anything fish like for my lunch. It’s never been forgotten!
What 3 Hippychick items would you take on a desert island and why?
- Cellular blanket to wipe sand off my feet
- MyHummy to help me sleep
- Happy Hopperz to use as a float in the sea to get away from no doubt more people asking me for snacks…
Survival Chances 6.5/10 – Another Happy Hopperz raft enthusiast, but being worried about sandy feet on a desert island means we’re worried about Sarah. However, her clear motivation to escape snack-hungry children should tip the balance in her favour…